mercredi 4 juillet 2018

Only two digits are saving after dot in double value in Laravel 5 and MySQL

I am trying to save a double value in MySQl database with Laravel. But only two digits after the dot are saving. I have 5 digits after the dot. For example, my value is 0.01197. But when I saved in database, it only shows 0.01. Rest of the digits are not saved.

I am using Laravel 5.6 with PHP 7.1.2 and MariaDB 10.1.29 version. Here is my DB migration code:

public function up()
        Schema::create('earnings', function (Blueprint $table) {
          //this is the line for saving double value
            $table->double('income_in_usd', 10, 2);

Here is the controller code for saving the value into DB:

$earning_id = DB::table('earnings')->insertGetID([
                                'month' => $request->month,
                                //here I am saving my double values
                                'income_in_usd' => $value['net_revenue'],
                                'exchange_rate' => $request->exchange_rate,
                                'income_in_bdt' =>  $value['net_revenue'] * $request->exchange_rate,
                                'content_id' => $content->id,

I have tried changing the table column type into float and decimal. But it did not work. Can anyone please find the problem here? Thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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