jeudi 30 août 2018

Laravel 5.4 route works in testing, but not in production on apache server: Returning a 404: NotFoundHttpException

Just wondering if anyone might have an insight into this or at least how to proceed with debugging. I have a very straightforward route:

Route::get('incidents/{incident}', 'IncidentsController@show');

It works fine in my testing environment. I'm using route model binding with the Incident eloquent model. In production it's barfing out the RouteCollection NotFoundHttpException when I navigate to the url:

Not that it would matter, but the incident does exist in the database. When I run php artisan route:list on the server, it shows that the route exists. All other routes are working.I am using the web middleware on the Route::group that this is part of.

via Chebli Mohamed

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