mercredi 29 août 2018

laravel same function for send two mail to two user with different view page

In laravel cron i have a function like  given below :

public function booking_mail()
  $data_to_mail= DB::table('tbl_booking as book')
                ->select(' as book_id','book.*',' as wk_id','twd.*')
                ->join('tbl_workers_details as twd', '', '=', 'book.worker_id')


            $mail= Mail::send($data['viewpage'], ['userdata'=>$data], function ($message) 
                use ($data) {
                        $message->to($data['toemail'],'Booking Mail')->subject('Inquiry Mail For Booking');




This function is working fine but when i added one for mail function at the end of the function its not working returning me the error. i dont know why this happening to me. i want to do this because i want to send the mail for two different user with two different data and view code is given below which is returning me the error.

public function booking_mail()
  $data_to_mail= DB::table('tbl_booking as book')
                ->select(' as book_id','book.*',' as wk_id','twd.*')
                ->join('tbl_workers_details as twd', '', '=', 'book.worker_id')


    //send e-mail to the agent for booking
                    $mail= Mail::send($data['viewpage'], ['userdata'=>$data], function ($message) 
                        use ($data) {
                                $message->to($data['toemail'],'Booking Mail')->subject('Inquiry Mail For Booking');


                    $mail= Mail::send($data['user_viewpage'], ['userdata'=>$data], function ($message) 
                        use ($data) {
                                $message->to($data['toemail'],'Booking Mail')->subject('Confirmation mail');       



why this is happening its returning me the error like:

Swift_TransportException in StreamBuffer.php line 268: Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]

via Chebli Mohamed

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