mardi 9 octobre 2018

Eloquent Casting to Array not always working

I have the following code that sets a value inside a JSON-type column

    'address' => [
        'street' => $address->getStreet(),
        'city'   => $address->getCity(),

This results in the following data inside the table column

{"street":"Korte Tiendeweg","city":"Gouda"}

In the Model I cast it as an array:

protected $casts = [   
   'address'        => 'array',

But when I call the Model and dump the data (via return auth()->user();), it shows the supposed to be json as a strange unparsed JSON: address: "{\"street\":\"Korte Tiendeweg\",\"city\":\"Gouda\"}",

What did I miss?

via Chebli Mohamed

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