lundi 8 octobre 2018

How to compare and get data From DB Json value in Laravel 5.5

I am new in laravel. I want to compare and get data according to date if date matches the current date on grater then current date and pagination set according to get result.


This is my SQL:

INSERT INTO `events` (`id`,  `title`, `organizer_name`, `email`, `number`, `alternate_number`, `event_category`, `event_dates`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `venue`, `long`, `lat`, `entry_fee`, `description`, `is_paid`, `is_activity`, `is_active`, `deleted_at`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1,  'Test', 'Demo', '', '9818043775', NULL, '12', '[\"28-09-2018\"]', '22:45:00', '23:00:00', 'Rajasthan 313001, India', '73.7124790', '24.5854450', '{\"Normal\":\"1000\"}', 'asdfasdfasdf', 1, '0', 1, NULL, '2018-08-27 00:31:37', '2018-08-27 00:31:37'),
(2,  'teststestse', 'sadfdsfa', '', '999999999', '99999999', '0', '[\"27-08-2018\",\"15-10-2018\",\"23-10-2018\"]', '13:09:00', '12:09:00', 'slougia tastour 9014, Testour, Tunisia', '9.4422664', '36.5499000', NULL, 'test', 0, '0', 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 04:57:21', '2018-09-15 04:58:16');
(3,  'tesede,o', 'sadfdsfa', '', '999999999', '99999999', '0', '[\"27-11-2018\",\"15-12-2018\",\"23-12-2018\"]', '13:09:00', '12:09:00', 'slougia tastour 9014, Testour, Tunisia', '9.4422664', '36.5499000', NULL, 'test', 0, '0', 1, NULL, '2018-09-15 04:57:21', '2018-09-15 04:58:16');

And I Try

 $curdate = date('d-m-Y');

    $events = Event::where('event_dates', '!=',  '')
                ->where(function ($query) use ($curdate) {

                        'JSON_CONTAINS(event_dates, '>=', $curdate)'
                        'JSON_CONTAINS(event_dates, \'["' . $curdate . '"]\')'

                    /*foreach (event_dates as $id) {
                            'JSON_CONTAINS(event_dates, \'["' . event_dates . '"]\')'

                    return $query;

via Chebli Mohamed

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