vendredi 5 octobre 2018

Laravel 403 error when displaying images from storage folder

I am unable to access files saves to the storage folder. I'm able to upload, files, save files. If I run for example the size method it gets the file size of the uploaded image but when it comes to displaying the file, I get a 403 error. I used the laravel artisan command to create the symlink, ive tried manually creating the symlink. I've checked to verify that follow symlinks is in my apache config, I can cd into it from shell the permissions are 777 (I had it 755 but in trying to figure it what is wrong I changed it to 777) ownership of the symlink and files inside are all the same user and group as every other file in the public directory.

I'm super tired so maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. The file clearly exists, its set to viability "public". Is there any reason why I'd be able to write the directory but not display images saved there?

via Chebli Mohamed

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