jeudi 4 octobre 2018

Laravel 5.6 Redirect and Header not redirecting from inside controller

I'm trying to redirect to an external URL inside my Laravel Controller but it's not redirecting to another page.

I tried using header as well to no avail.

Redirect to external URL with return in laravel

Laravel 5: redirect to an external link outside of localhost/server

This was in my response headers in the network console logs. I saw the external URL there but it was not redirected to.

alt-svc: clear
date: Thu, 04 Oct 2018 17:18:51 GMT
status: 200
strict-transport-security: max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains; preload
via: 1.1 google
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block

A private function in the controller is the one used for redirecting.

private function processRedirect($gohere){
        return Redirect::away($gohere);

via Chebli Mohamed

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