we have a Laravel project with react as the front-end. Basically react is inside the laravel project, we used php artisan preset react
to add it.
As this application needs authentication, we used the custom laravel auth to give access to the users. Then when the authentication is correct, we redirect the user to a route that will be managed by react and react router. The problem is that we need to consume our API endpoints from the same app, and those endpoints MUST be protected. The laravel Auth is not working there, the sessión information is not being sent on each request. I’ve tried https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/authentication#stateless-http-basic-authentication that although it solves the problem is not convenient to log in and then when want to consume another resource show a prompt to log in again. Also change the api routes to a web middleware is not an option.
Does someone knows how to protect the laravel API routes with the normal laravel authentication
via Chebli Mohamed
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