jeudi 4 octobre 2018

Resize and replace image in Laravel request

I need to be able to resize an image and put the resized version back into the $request, does anyone know if thats possible?

Basically I have inherited some code that contains potentially 100+ separate file upload sections, and it is now my task to resize all images on the site if they are above a certain size.

So I now need to intercept ALL image uploads on the application, detect if they are above a set size and if they are, resize them.

All code i've found online only shows how to resize the image then save the resized version straight away, but I need to be able to resize the image then put it BACK into the $request to be processed by the controller.

The images come in the form of arrays of images from separate sections, so i need to be able to loop the entire request, check if any of the inputs contain/are files, then if they are check the sizes of them. If they're above a set size, then resize them and replace them in the $request so that when the request continues, the controller can process the image as normal but it will be processing the new resized version.

I have tried resizing images and then using laravels $request->merge() method but I cannot get it to work.

At the moment I am resizing all images in a middleware, like this

public function handle($request, Closure $next)

    foreach($request->files as $fileKey => $file){

        //Create a new array to add the newly sized images in
        $newFileArray = [];

        //Get each of the files that are being uploaded in the request, if there are no files this will just be ignored.
        foreach ($file as $key => $f) {

                $image = Image::make($f);
                if($image->height() > 500 || $image->width() > 500){
                    $image->resize(500, null, function ($constraint) {
                $newFileArray[$key] = $image;
            } else {
                $newFileArray[$key] = null;

          $fileKey => $newFileArray


    return $next($request);

I just can't get it to work!

Is this possible?

via Chebli Mohamed

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