samedi 3 novembre 2018

Laravel and Vue: compiling vue of vendor package

I'm working on a project in Laravel and I did some changes in one of my vendor's packages (of course, I have exported it first as a new package to avoid override).. here is the package structure: package structure

now, the "webpack.mix" contains:

let mix = require('laravel-mix')

mix.js('resources/js/card.js', 'dist/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/card.scss', 'dist/css')

and the card.js:

Nova.booting((Vue, router) => {
    Vue.component('dashboard-card', require('./components/Card'));

I'm trying to build the vue after changes I did in Card.vue, and nothing is works, I tried to add it to app.js and run from the app root: npm run dev, it succeed, but the dist js file does not compile, when I tried to run npm run dev from the package itself, it start, then write:

10% building modules 2/2 modules 0 active

and stuck.

any idea what should I do to compile this assets?

Thank you for your help.

via Chebli Mohamed

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