dimanche 25 novembre 2018

Laravel - Update Uploaded Files in Input File

I want to update my uploaded images, but as soon as I update 1 image the other images are removed why is that? I want to left them as what they are when they had been upload. help me please thanks.

Here is an image of the problem


Update, public function, here is where I put the logic of the code

public function update(Request $request, $id)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'title' => 'required',
        'description' => 'required',
        'fleet_image.*' => 'image|nullable|max:1999'
    $fleet = [];
    if ($request->has('fleet_image'))
        //Handle File Upload

        foreach ($request->file('fleet_image') as $key => $file)
            // Get FileName
            $filenameWithExt = $file->getClientOriginalName();
            //Get just filename
            $filename = pathinfo( $filenameWithExt, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            //Get just extension
            $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
            //Filename to Store
            $fileNameToStore = $filename.'_'.time().'.'.$extension;
            //Upload Image
            $path = $file->storeAs('public/fleet_images',$fileNameToStore);
            array_push($fleet, $fileNameToStore);

        $fileNameToStore = serialize($fleet);

    if (count($fleet)) {
        foreach ($fleet as $key => $value) {
        $fleetContent = Fleet::find($id);
        $fleetContent->title = $request->title[$key];
        $fleetContent->description = $request->description[$key];
        $implodedFleet = implode(' , ', $fleet);
       $fleetContent->fleet_image = $implodedFleet;
       return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/fleets')->with('success', 'Content Updated');

return redirect('/admin/airlineplus/promotions')->with('success', 'Content Updated');


View, edit.blade.php

  {!! Form::open(['action'=>['Admin\FleetsController@update',$fleet->id], 'method' => 'POST','enctype'=>'multipart/form-data', 'name' => 'add_name', 'id' => 'add_name']) !!}

        <div class="table-responsive">
          <table class="table table-bordered" id="dynamic_field">
              <td>   <br>

                <div class="card card-body col-md-8">

                @foreach(explode(' , ' ,$fleet->fleet_image) as $content)
                  <img src="" style="width:50px;height:50px;"><br/>


    {!! Form::close() !!}

via Chebli Mohamed

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