samedi 9 mars 2019

Adding a QRCode in my table in databese postgresql

i create a table in my database postgressql this table contains 8 column i want when i create a new membre the informations enregistred in the table with the code of qrcode everyone have a qrcode specific i do all the step but my problem is how can i add a qrcode in my table this my code :

Schema::create('cards', function (Blueprint $table) {

this is in my controller :

$cards = new Card();
    $cards->nom = request('nom');
    $cards->prenom = request('prenom');
    $cards->cin = request('cin');
    $cards->dateNaissance = request('dateNaissance');
    $cards->dateAffection = request('dateAffection');

and this my code of qrcode in my view

<div class="visible-print text-right">
{!! QrCode::size('130')->generate
($card->id  );!!}                                                 

Plz help me to solve this

via Chebli Mohamed

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