mercredi 6 mars 2019

HasMany relation(or any relation) data inserted but not return on the same time | Laravel | Eloquent Model

I have a laravel application in which the setting_types and user's settings are saved into different models.

// user model.
 * Getting the user's notification setting.
public function notificationSetting()
    return $this->hasMany('App\NotificationSetting');

 * Controller function to get the user's settings
public function getSetting(Request $request)
        $userSetting = $user->notificationSetting;
        // check new settings are inserted for user or not.
            // add new settings for user.
            $user->notificationSetting()->save(new NotificationSetting(['user_id' => $user_id, "notification_type_id" => 121]));
            print_r($user->notificationSetting); // still rec. Old values.
        return $user->notificationSetting;

As you can see that I insert the relation object but I didn't receive on the same time. and if I hit again (this time my someCondition become false) so it will return the update records.

via Chebli Mohamed

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