lundi 11 mars 2019

How can I use both PHPUnit dependency feature and Laravel WithTransactions trait?

In Laravel, there's a trait called DatabaseTransactions which rolls back all transactions made by a test, to keep the database clean and isolated. It's fine and useful.

But there's a feature in PHPUnit called Test Dependencies in which you can use another test's output:

 * @test
public function a_producer_test()
    $user = factory(User::class)->create();

    return $user;

 * @test
 * @depends a_producer_test
public function a_consumer_test(User $user)
    $id = $user->id;

When using DatabaseTransactions, you cannot use $user inside a_consumer_test because the transaction that created the user is rolled back and thus $user is empty. If you remove use DatabaseTransactions; from the test class, everything works fine and you can use $user.

Now I want to have $user inside my a_consumer_test method, yet I want to roll back transactions and clean my database after execution of the tests. How can I do that?

via Chebli Mohamed

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