samedi 9 mars 2019

Laravel modify route parameter to name column instead of id

In my web.php file, I specify the following route:

Route::get('/{project}', 'ProjectsController@index');

In my ProjectsController, I define the public function index as follows:

use App\Project;
// ... Here is the class declaration etc.
public function index(Project $project) {

Currently, I have one entry in my projects table, which I can call without any problems over my eloquent model. This is my entry:

Name: sampleproject
Description: This is a test.
ID: 1
// And the timestamps...

When calling /sampleproject, it returns a 404 error page.

UPDATE: When calling /1, which is the project id, everything works as expected. How can I modify my code so I can call my Controller over the project name, not the id?

via Chebli Mohamed

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