vendredi 8 mars 2019

Laravel Test api Post MethodNotAllowedHttpException

Hello I'm using Laravel 5.5 and have in my test

public function testCreate()
        $userAdmin = factory(User::class)->create();
        $roleAdmin = Role::where('name', 'admin')->first();



In my routes:

Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function () {
   Route::group(['prefix'=>'object'], function(){
      Route::post('create', 'ObjectController@create')->middleware('can:create,App\Models\Object');

But when I run my test return:


I have already tried to clear my route with:

php artisan route:cache

And with:

$this->actingAs($userAdmin, 'api')->post('/api/object/create')


$this->actingAs($userAdmin, 'api')->post('/object/create')

But it doesn't work. What I'm wrong?

via Chebli Mohamed

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