I'm using Laravel 5's laratables. and in my PartnersVehicles
model i have this function
public static function laratablesQueryConditions($query)
$uid = Auth::id(); //user ID
$pid = Partners::where('uid', $uid)->first(); //get partner ID
return $query->select('partners_vehicles.id', 'partners_vehicles.year', 'vehicle_makes.make', 'partners_vehicles.model', 'vehicle_colors.color', 'partners_vehicles.created_at')
->join('vehicle_makes', 'vehicle_makes.id', '=', 'partners_vehicles.make')
->join('vehicle_colors', 'vehicle_colors.id', '=', 'partners_vehicles.color')
->where('partners_vehicles.partner_id', $pid->id);
the table loads fine, but when I try and do an ajax search in the search box, i get this error below
Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'make' in where clause is ambiguous (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from partners_vehicles
inner join vehicle_makes
on vehicle_makes
= partners_vehicles
inner join vehicle_colors
on vehicle_colors
= partners_vehicles
where partners_vehicles
= 7 and (year
like %2% or make
like %2% or model
like %2% or color
like %2%))
any idea how to fix this? what am i missing? Thanks
via Chebli Mohamed
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