mercredi 1 mai 2019

Where on hybrid relations (with)

I am trying to add a where clause on my existing eloquent builder. The query consists of a hybrid relation between SQL and MongoDB.

Builds SQL table (Build Class $connection = 'mysql';)

| id | user_id | commander_id | teamPerk_id | slot1_id | slot..._id |
|  1 |       1 | Hero:xxxx    | Perk:xxxx   | Hero:xxx | Hero:xxx   |

commander,teamPerk,slot1_id,slot..._id are values for mongoDB

Build Class

    class Build extends Model
        use HybridRelations;
     public function commander()
            return $this->hasOne('\App\HeroesDB', 'gameName', 'commander_id');

     public function teamPerk()
            return $this->hasOne('\App\Perk', 'raw', 'teamPerk_id');

    public function slot1()
            return $this->hasOne('\App\HeroesDB', 'gameName', 'slot1_id');
        public function slot...(){
           return $this->hasOne('\App\HeroesDB', 'gameName', 'slot..._id');

class HeroesDB  extends Eloquent
    protected $connection = 'mongodb';
    protected $collection = 'Heroes';
    protected $fillable = ['*'];

The query, without where clause, it returns a Build collection relations (mongoDB) to teamPerk, commander, slot1-5

 $data = BuildDB::with(
                'commander', 'slot1', 'slot2', 'slot3', 'slot4', 'slot5', 
            'votes as up_votes' => function ($query) {
                $query->where('type', 1);
            'votes as down_votes' => function ($query) {
                $query->where('type', -1);
        ])->orderBy(DB::raw("up_votes -down_votes"), 'desc')

Example of a hero document (HeroDB)

  "_id": "5c7c1cb5146bd81498007f8e",
  "gameName": "Hero:xxxx",
  "rarity": "legendary",
  "tier": "1",
  "class": "Commando",
  "perks": [
      "name": "Some Perk",
  "skills": [
      "name": "Some Skill",
  "translated": {
    "name": "Hero name",

The question is how can I manage to add to the existing query a where clause ex: Where = "Some Perk" or = "Hero name"

If you require more information feel free to ask. My attempt was adding ->where('commander_id', '=', "Hero:xxxx") just before ->paginate() of course it will work, but I would have to give the exact "gameName" for it to work, but I can't refer to it as where 'commander_id' = "Some Perk" or any other MongoDB collection field.

via Chebli Mohamed

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