jeudi 7 novembre 2019

Laravel5.8 update image. Call to a member function store() on null

I am creating profile edit function in my laravel project.

I want to update profile image. When I upload a new image, I can see a new image in profile/index.blade.php.

But when I didn't upload an image, I could not see any image in profile/index.blade.php. And I got an error which says

Call to a member function store() on null enter image description here

Profile edit page is profile/create.blade.php. And when I hit save button, I can redirect to a profile page, profile/index.blade.php.

What I want to accomplish is,

when I upload a new image, I want to show a new profile on index.blade.php. And if I don't upload an image, I want to redirect to index.blade.php and show a previous profile image.

I have profile folder in my Storage. I have already done php artisan storage:link.


public function store(Request $request, Profile $profile)
    $user_id = auth()->user()->id;

    $data = $request->only(['image']);

        //upload it
        $image = $request->image->store('profile');

        //delete old image

        $data['image'] = $image;
    } else {
        $image = $request->image->store('profile');

        ['user_id' => $user_id],
            'image' => $image,
            'gender' => request('gender'),
            'country' => request('country'),
            'bod' => request('bod'),
            'instagram' => request('instagram'),
            'description' => request('description'),

    //redirect user's profile page
    return redirect()->route('profile.index');


<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="image">
    <div class="preview">
            <input type="file" id="file" accept="image/*" name="image">
        <label for="file">
            Change Image



<div class="person">
                    <img src="" >

                    <img src="" >


via Chebli Mohamed

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