dimanche 10 novembre 2019

My views on Laravel don't show anything, you only see the blank screen

I have a large system in laravel 5.6, I made some simple changes like putting a couple of new routes with their controllers, and now the whole system does not show me any view, all the screens are blank, not because this error or how to fix it

in all my files the inspector of chrome this is what he shows me

<loom-container id="lo-engage-ext-container"><loom-shadow classname="resolved"></loom-shadow></loom-container>

I don't know what could have happened or how to fix it, I don't get any errors or anything

These were the routes you added before the error occurred

Route::get('/request-list', array(
    'as'         => 'profile.request.list',
    'middleware' => 'permission:requests.vacation.approved',
    'uses'       => 'UserController@requestListPersonal'

 Route::get('files/active-pause', array(
       'as'   => 'files.security.pause',
       'uses' => 'FilesController@activePause'

 Route::get('files/fire-extinguishers', array(
     'as'   => 'files.security.extinguishers',
     'uses' => 'FilesController@fireExtinguishers'

And this in the controllers

public function requestListPersonal(){

     $auth = Auth::user();

     $request = RequestVacation::where([
        ['approved_by', '=', $auth->ci]

   return view('auth.requests', compact('request'));

 public function activePause(){

            $file = storage_path() . '\app\PDF\Pausa activa.pdf';
            $headers = [
                'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
                'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename= Pausa activa.pdf'

            return response()->file($file, $headers);


        public function fireExtinguishers(){

            $file = storage_path() . '\app\PDF\Extintores.pdf';
            $headers = [
                'Content-Type'        => 'application/pdf',
                'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename= Extintores.pdf'

            return response()->file($file, $headers);


via Chebli Mohamed

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