samedi 15 février 2020

Import CSV without using any package laravel

Currently, I'm working on the eMarketing project. There import CSV file which data like 200k. Now, previous developer fetch 10k data in every bacth and using SQL transaction and first create a temporary table and then import data in subscribers table check unique email and mail list id with joining the temporary table. Then remove temporary table.

But, now I want to import CSV file directly subscribers without the temporary table.And must be check unique email and mail list id. How can I do that? Anyone, please help me.

Here is my controller code. This project creates by laravel framework 5.4*

  public function import2($file, $customer, $system_job)
        try {
            $processed_count = 0;
            $logger = $system_job->getLogger();
            $logger->info(trans('messages.Start_importing_for_list_uid', ['uid' => $this->uid]));

            // init the status
                'status' => self::IMPORT_STATUS_RUNNING,

            // Read CSV files
            list($headers, $availableFields, $lineCount, $results) = $this->readCsv($file);

            // validate headers, check for required fields
            // throw an exception in case of error

            // update status, line count
            $system_job->updateStatus(['total' => $lineCount]);

            // process by batches
            each_batch($results, config('app.import_batch_size'), true, function ($batch) use ($logger, $availableFields, &$customer, &$processed_count, &$system_job) {
                // increment count

                $processed_count += sizeof($batch);

                // processing for every batch,
                // using transaction to only commit at the end of the batch execution

                // create a temporary table containing the input subscribers
                $tmpTable = table('__tmp_subscribers');
                // @todo: hard-coded charset and COLLATE
                $tmpFields = implode(',', array_map(function ($field) {
                    return "`{$field}` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci";
                }, $availableFields));
                DB::statement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tmpTable};
                               CREATE TABLE {$tmpTable}({$tmpFields});
                               CREATE INDEX _index_email_{$tmpTable} ON {$tmpTable}(`email`);");

                // Insert subscriber fields from the batch to the temporary table
                // extract only fields whose name matches TAG NAME of MailList
                $data = collect($batch)->map(function ($r) use ($availableFields) {
                    $record = array_only($r, $availableFields);
                    if (!is_null($record['email'])) {
                        // replace the non-break space (not a normal space) as well as all other spaces
                        $record['email'] = strtolower(preg_replace('/[ \s*]*/', '', trim($record['email'])));

                    return $record;

                // make the import data table unique by email
                $data = array_unique_by($data, function ($r) {
                    return $r['email'];

                // validate amd remove invalid records
                $data = array_where($data, function ($record) use ($logger) {
                    list($valid, $errors) = $this->validateCsvRecord($record);
                    if (!$valid) {
                        $logger->warning($record['email'].': '.implode(', ', $errors));

                    return $valid;


                // Insert new subscribers from temp table to the main table
                // Use SUBSTRING(MD5(UUID()), 1, 13) to produce a UNIQUE ID which is similar to the output of PHP uniqid()
                DB::statement('INSERT INTO '.table('subscribers').'(uid, mail_list_id, email, status, subscription_type, created_at, updated_at)
                               SELECT SUBSTRING(MD5(UUID()), 1, 13), ' .$this->id.',, '.db_quote(Subscriber::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED).', '.db_quote(Subscriber::SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE_IMPORTED).", NOW(), NOW()
                               FROM (SELECT FROM {$tmpTable} tmp LEFT JOIN ".table('subscribers')." main ON ( = AND main.mail_list_id = {$this->id}) WHERE IS NULL) uniq");

                // update status, finish one batch
                $system_job->updateStatus(['processed' => $processed_count]);

                // Cleanup
                DB::statement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$tmpTable};");

                // Actually write to the database

            // Update status, finish all batches
            $system_job->updateStatus(['status' => self::IMPORT_STATUS_DONE, 'total' => $processed_count]);

            // Trigger updating related campaigns cache

            // blacklist new emails (if any)

            // Action Log
            $this->log('import_success', $customer, ['count' => $processed_count, 'error' => '']);
            $logger->info(trans('messages.Finish_importing_for_list_uid', ['uid' => $this->uid]));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // finish the transaction


            // update job status
                'status' => self::IMPORT_STATUS_FAILED,
                'error_message' => $e->getMessage(),

            // Action Log
            $this->log('import_max_error', $customer, ['count' => $processed_count]);

            // write to job's logger

via Chebli Mohamed

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