mercredi 30 mars 2016

Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES) on Laravel 5.2.27

I have been creating a Laravel 5.2 application and everything was working perfectly until this morning. Now, when I try to login to the laravel app like I did yesterday at localhost:8888/login, I get this: PDOException in Connector.php line 55: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

There was an OSX 10.10.5 security update 2016-002 that was installed and required a restart. I think this is the only thing that changed between it working and not working. It's apparently too soon to see the details of that update on the apple site.

My .env file looks like this:



I searched the web and StackOverflow for answers and have tried the following:

  • php artisan config:clear to clear the config
  • Restarted the server by ^C in the terminal window where the server was started and then started it again with php -S localhost:8888 -t public
  • Restarted the MySQL server using the OSX System Preferences panel like usual.
  • Checked the connection using php artisan tinker and entering DB::connection()->getDatabaseName() which resulted in "laravel_lic"
  • Checked the Config database username with Config::get('database.connections.mysql.username') in tinker which resulted in "root"
  • ran php artisan migrate:reset which successfully rolled back all the migrations, then ran php artisan migrate which successfully migrated the tables and verified using the database panel in PHPStorm as I have been doing since I started the project.
  • Did a text search in the entire project for the word 'homestead' and the only results were in the git ignore file.
  • I ran composer update which updated some Symfony stuff.

I'm NOT using homestead.

I also did NOT do anything related to the unix_socket. I hadn't heard of it until searching for answers to this question and don't see any settings for it so I doubt there could be an issue there.

I have been trying things for the last few hours, many more than once (such as restarting the server) so I'm doubtful the order of doing things could be a cause.

Is anyone else having this issue? Are there any other things I should try to get it working again?

via Chebli Mohamed

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