I'm currently using Andy Shora image cropper in my Laravel 5 project and was wondering if there is a way to crop the image into specific rectangle, but not resizing it to the small rectangle, meaning, if the image was 1000x1000, then, if I resize it into 100x50 rectangle, the new image size would be 1000x500.
Maybe there is there a way to find the coordinates of the original image and save the resolution without using a different script?
These are all parameters for that script:
<!-- <image-crop
data-height="200" //shape's height
data-width="150" //shape's width
data-shape="square" //the shape.. square or circle
data-step="imageCropStep"//scope variable that will contain the current step of the crop (1. Waiting for source image; 2. Image loaded, waiting for crop; 3. Crop done)
src="imgSrc" //scope variable that will be the source image for the crop (may be a Blob or base64 string)
data-result-blob="result" //scope variable that will contain the Blob information
data-result="resultDataUrl" //scope variable that will contain the image's base64 string representation
crop="initCrop" //scope variable that must be set to true when the image is ready to be cropped
padding="250" //space, in pixels, rounding the shape
max-size="1024" //max of the image, in pixels
></image-crop> -->
via Chebli Mohamed
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