mercredi 30 mars 2016

Laravel 5 how to test redirect

I have a Laravel 5 app in which one controller action finishes by redirecting to a page outside the Laravel app but on the same domain. Interacting manually with the page works fine, but automating the test with PHPunit doesn't. It keeps trying to load the route and fails with 'headers already sent'.


Route::post('/trials', [
    'middleware' => ['web'],
    'uses' => 'TrialsController@create'


public function create(Request $request)
  setcookie( 'etc', $value, time() + 60, '/', "", true, true) ;
  return Saml2::login('');


public function testSuccessfulSignup(){

        ->type('', 'mail')
        ->type('Philip', 'first_name')
        ->type('Fry', 'last_name')
        ->press('Signup !') ;
        // ->seePageIs(''); doesn't work
        // ->assertRedirectedTo(''); doesn't work


1) TrialsTest::testSuccessfulSignup
A request to [] failed. Received status code [500].


Caused by
exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at phar:///usr/local/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Util/Printer.php:134)' in /private/var/identity/app/Http/Controllers/TrialsController.php:84

via Chebli Mohamed

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