mardi 24 avril 2018

How to use "where" and "whereBetween" on the same query

I want the two conditions to retrieve only data that match, that means the data should be in this range ->whereBetween('date_applied', [$start_date, $end_date]) but also they should meet the second condtion->orwhere('req_id', $req_id[$i]). Can anyone help me to align the two clauses together?

$did = DB::table('ssrareqs')->select('particular_id', 'quantity_req',
                'purpose', 'date_applied','date_approved', 'quantity_issued', 'remarks', 'status_issue', 'status_req')
                ->whereBetween('date_applied', [$start_date, $end_date])
                ->orwhere('req_id', $req_id[$i])

via Chebli Mohamed

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