lundi 27 août 2018

Use validation class outside route laravel

I have web app, the app 50% use ajax for making request

And I want to combine ajax routes into one. Example :

I have routes like this

                 ->middleware(['verify_origin', 'only_ajax'])
                 ->group(function() {

                    Route::post('save-user-profile', 'User\ProfileSettingController@updateProfile')->name('saveUserProfile');
                    Route::post('save-user-social-media', 'User\ProfileSettingController@updateSocialMedia')->name('saveUserSocialMedia');
                    Route::post('save-user-avatar', 'User\ProfileSettingController@updateAvatar')->name('saveUserAvatar');
                    Route::post('save-user-account', 'User\AccountSettingController@updateAccount')->name('saveUserAccount');


I want to wrap, all method on post prefix to one controller

Like this

function handlePost($method) {

Usage : handlePost('saveUserProfile')

Above, the method use call action saveUserProfile, the method saveUserProfile using validation class.

How to call method, but still use validation class

via Chebli Mohamed

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