lundi 27 août 2018

Why does Laravel-mix "version" work locally for JS and SASS but on remote server only works for JS?

I'm using "laravel-mix": "^0.10.0" since later versions (such as "laravel-mix": "^2.0") have even more problems (which I may post separate questions about).

On my local machine, the mix.version(); feature works fine for both JS and SASS (whether I run npm run production or npm run watch).

The mix-manifest.json file gets updated with paths such as "/css/app.eebc014f141ca31528c7.css" and "/js/common.d781da695b3fb8b3765c.js".

And the versioned JS and CSS files exist in the appropriate public folders.

But when I run the same npm run production command on the production server, only the JS files get versioned and appear in /mix-manifest.json.

The SCSS files get compiled into CSS without versioning.

How can I fix this?

via Chebli Mohamed

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