mercredi 23 janvier 2019

Call to a member function empresas() on null - Laravel

I have two models: Empresa and Postulante. This relationship is Many-to-Many.

Empresa Model

public function postulantes()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Postulante::class);

Postulante Model

public function empresas()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Empresa::class)->where('empresa_postulante.activo', 1)->orderBy('empresa_postulante.created_at');

PostulanteController (get the Empresas for one Postulante)

public function index()
    $usuario_actual = \Auth::user(); //obtengo los datos del usuario en sesion
    $usuario_id = $usuario_actual->id;
    $postulante = Postulante::where('pos_usuario', $usuario_id)->first();
    $empresas = $postulante->empresas();

    return view('postulantes/dash-postulante', compact('empresas'));

As there is no data in the relationship table (empresa_postulante), I get the following error message:

Call to a member function empresas() on null

via Chebli Mohamed

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