I am building a web app for my company that is used for maintenance of plant. The app will contain a list of plant types and each type will have a form to collect the inspection / maintenance details. Each question on the form has a checkbox or a radio button set and a notes section. I want to be able to easily create new items of plant and the form to support them. A lot of the questions are common between forms so I started by building each question on the form as a form_element in a sub directory of views\partials.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="card-body form-check form-check-inline">
<div class="col-6">
<label class="form-check-label mr-4" name="bund_pump_operations">
Record number of bund pump operations..
<div class="col-6">
<input class="form-check-input" type="number" name="operations" value="">
<div class="form-group p-2">
<label for="bund_pump_operations_notes">Notes</label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" name="bund_pump_operations_notes" value="">
I am quickly realising that this is not really sustainable going forward as each form requires a db model to store the results and a route in the web.php.
section of web.php
Route::post('/aux_tx', 'AuxTxReportController@store')->name('aux_tx.store');
Route::put('/aux_tx/{id}', 'AuxTxReportController@update')->name('aux_tx.update');
Route::get('/aux_tx_swg/{id}', 'AuxTxSwitchgearReportController@show')->name('aux_tx_swg.show');
Route::get('/dno_incomer/{id}', 'DnoIncomerReportController@show')->name('dno_incomer.show');
Route::get('/generator/{id}', 'GeneratorReportController@show')->name('generator.show');
Route::get('grid_transformer/{id}', 'GridTransformerReportController@show')->name('grid_transformer.show');
Route::get('/vt_swg_panel/{id}', 'VtSwitchgearPanelReportController@show')->name('vt_swg_panel.show');
I currently store the model name in the db
I use this to call the correct controller for the required Model from the view
<div class="col-3">
<a href="/" class="float-right mr-
1 btn btn-sm btn-info">
This sends to correct controller where the form_type is hard coded. (not good I know)
My current approach requires hard coding when adding new items of plant, as well as creating new Models, Controllers and Routes to support them. What started as an app to maintain 6 different items of plant has now grown to a point where 11 new types are waiting to be added.
I need to change my design so new questions can be added, new forms can be added, and these forms populated with the required questions through admin back end. I need to store the results in a db and the be able to review the results by site and plant item.
I don't expect or really want anyone to tell me step by step what I need to do but help me think about this problem and how I deliver the app so no hard coding is required when adding new items of plant.
I have looked at storing questions as html in the database, having a table for all items of plant and creating a many to many relationship between the two to allocate questions to forms. I am however struggling on how to store the results as each plant item type will have a different set of results to store.
Hope my question isn't too confusing.
via Chebli Mohamed
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