dimanche 30 juin 2019

local.ERROR: Unable to init from given url - Intervention Image, Laravel 5.8, but only in queued job

I have queued job, which saves images from given URLs (get them from remote and save in local) and everything works, but, if I put this code inside queued job, I am getting an error in storage/logs/.log:

local.ERROR: Unable to init from given url (url which exists and I can access via browser )...

I can access these URLs, allow_url_fopen is enabled and this code works WITHOUT queued job. This is part of the code:


   $img = Image::make($photo->url);

   $img->save($path . $filenameBig);

}catch (Intervention\Image\Exception\NotReadableException $e){

This $photo->url is http and I can see it in the error (it is not empty or something). I can access with a browser to the actual image.

via Chebli Mohamed

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