jeudi 27 juin 2019

No hint path defined for [mail] - problem with send email in Laravel 5.8

I am beginner in Laravel. I use in my project Laravel 5.8:

I have this code:

$mailTitle = "Masz wiadomość ze strony " . env('APP_NAME');
        $message = "
        <b>Dane wiadomości:</b> $dateTime [IP: $ip]<br/>
        <b>Tytuł wiadomości:</b> $title<br/>
        <b>Imię:</b> $userName<br/>
        <b>Adres email:</b> $userEmail<br/>
        <b>Wiadomość:</b> $txt<br/>";

        $data['slot']= $message;
        $data['adminEmail']= $adminEmail;
        $data['title']= $mailTitle;
        $data['user']= $userEmail;
        Mail::send('vendor.mail.html.message', $data, function($message) use($data) {

When I run this code I have error:

No hint path defined for [mail]. (View: /var/www/vanessa/resources/views/vendor/mail/html/message.blade.php)

How can I fix it?

via Chebli Mohamed

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