dimanche 15 septembre 2019

Can't detect result when send mail with hotmail?

I using hotmail and send mail from laravel 5.8:

            Mail::send([], [], function($message) use ($mailto, $mailtitle, $body, $pathToFile) {
                $message->from(env('MAIL_USERNAME'), env('MAIL_FROM_NAME'));

                if ($pathToFile != "")
                $message->setBody($body, 'text/html');
                $message->to(explode(",", $mailto));
            // check for failures
            if (Mail::failures()) {
                $return["status"] = "NG";
                 $return["error"] = "Can't send mail.";

I had attach a file txt has content (test file is virus):


Mail can't send, but it not show any message.

How can detect the result of send mail by Hotmail?

With Gmail it will occur a exception.

via Chebli Mohamed

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