dimanche 15 septembre 2019

Cant get Node to work with Laravel and browsershot

I am trying to use the below package to generate pdf.


I have node setup correctly.

C:\Users>node -v

but I can't get it to work with Laravel and browsershots

below is the error:

Symfony \ Component \ Process \ Exception \ ProcessTimedOutException

The process "node ^"C:^\xampp7^\htdocs^\copdev^\vendor^\spatie^\browsershot^\src/../bin/browser.js^" ^"^{^\^"url^\^":^\^"file:^\/^\/C:^\^\Users^\^\Vickram^\^\AppData^\^\Local^\^\Temp^\^\633105491-0293415001568545481^\^\index.html^\^",^\^"action^\^":^\^"screenshot^\^",^\^"options^\^":^{^\^"type^\^":^\^"png^\^",^\^"path^\^":^\^"C:^\^\xampp7^\^\htdocs^\^\copdev^\^\public^\^\pdfs^\^\example.png^\^",^\^"args^\^":^[^],^\^"viewport^\^":^{^\^"width^\^":1024,^\^"height^\^":690^},^\^"displayHeaderFooter^\^":false^}^}^"" exceeded the timeout of 10 seconds.

Below is the image for more info: See attached image Not sure if this is related to the incorrect path (have tried several suggestions including from some other posts).

I am trying this on windows. Any Direction is appreciated.

via Chebli Mohamed

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