mardi 17 septembre 2019

Laravel - How to load a hasone relation on a hasmany relation

I'm trying to load a hasone relation on a loaded hasmany relation.

Basically, I have loaded my completion logs, but would like to also load the pool_section model relation for each of the loaded completion log records.

$appointments = Appointment::primaryAppointments()->ofReportingPeriod($reportingPeriod->id)->take(5)->get();

$appointments = $appointments->load('profile', 'department')->load(['completion_logs' => function ($query) use ($reportingPeriod) {
    $query->where('reporting_period_id', $reportingPeriod->id)->whereNotNull('pool_section_id')->orderBy('pool_section_id');

Trying to load the pool_section relation onto the loaded completion logs from above:

class PoolSectionCompletion extends Model

public function pool_section()
     return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\PoolSection', 'pool_section_id', 'id');

class Appointment extends Model

public function completion_logs()
     return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Models\PoolSectionCompletion', 'App\Models\Profile', 'id', 'profile_id', 'profile_id', 'id');

I'm trying to load the select completion logs an then load the pool_section relation based on the id in order to get the pool_section data for each of the loaded completion logs. Any help is appreciated.

via Chebli Mohamed

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