So Weird!
I am using the following code to create a query (Laravel 5.5). It is a little dynamic in nature. Here is the code:
$calls = Media::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)
$qq->where('some_param', '=', 1)
->where('some_other_param', '=', 'A');
$qq->where('some_param', '=', 0)
->where('some_other_param', '=', 'B');
->when(($completedOnly == true), function($q){
$q->where('status', '>=', '8');
$qq->where('s3_key', '!=', 0);
$qq->where('s3_key', '!=', '');
->orderBy('sort_param', 'desc')
return $media;
I am using the Laravel Debugbar to help me out and make sure that the query is being created correctly. When I look at the readout, I see the following:
select * from `users_media` where `user_id` = '13475' and ((`some_param` = '1' and `some_other_param` = 'A') or (`some_param` = '0' and `some_other_param` = 'B')) and `status` >= '8' and (`s3_key` != '0' and `s3_key` != '' and `s3_key` is not null and `s3_bucket` is not null) and `some_third_param` is not null and `some_fourth_param` is not null and `users_media`.`deleted_at` is null order by `sort_param` desc limit 25 offset 0
When I plug that into my DB client to test the query, I see data given back as I would expect.
However, when I am trying to retrieve the data within Laravel and Eloquent, I am getting an empty collection. I don't understand why this is happening. If the query works with my client, why would I be getting an empty collection from Eloquent?
via Chebli Mohamed
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