jeudi 19 septembre 2019

Laravel paginate with only first result

i'm kinda new to Laravel so I hope the question is clear enough.

I have a table with Users and another table with Tasks.

In my User model I have the following :

public function tasks() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\User' , 'id');

I can do the following to retrieve a single user from the DB

$users = \App\User::find(1)->tasks()->paginate();

but i get


I've also tried :

    $users = \App\User::with(['tasks' => function($q) {

but the tasks property is empty

My question is how I can get all the users but only with first task and paginate to work?

Tasks table

1   id(Primary) bigint(20)      UNSIGNED    No  None        AUTO_INCREMENT
2   created_at  timestamp           Yes NULL        
3   updated_at  timestamp           Yes NULL        
4   task_name   varchar(255)    utf8mb4_unicode_ci      No  None        
5   user_id(Index)  bigint(20)      UNSIGNED    No  None        

via Chebli Mohamed

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