mercredi 18 septembre 2019

Laravel set option to selected if option id is in an array list in blade view

I made query in my controller and send it to my blade :

public function editContractorAssociation(DeveloperContractorAssociation $developer_contractor_association, Request $request)
        $id = $request->id;
        $developer_contractor_association = DeveloperContractorAssociation::whereHas('defect_types', function ($query) use($id) {
            $query->where('', $id);
        })->orwhereHas('contractor', function ($query) use($id) {
            $query->where('', $id);
        return view('', ['developer_contractor_association' => $developer_contractor_association]);

and when I call in my blade, I get this :

        "details":"Fix wiring",
        "created_at":"2019-09-04 11:39:48",
        "updated_at":"2019-09-04 11:39:48",
            "details": "Fix Pipe",
            "created_at":"2019-09-04 11:40:07",
            "updated_at":"2019-09-04 11:40:07",

Now I have a select field that list all the defect type that existed :

<select class="selectpicker " name="defect-type-id[]" id="defect-type-id" multiple data-style="selectpicker-style" data-width="100%" title="Defect Types">
    @foreach(App\DefectType::select('id','title')->get() as $defect_type)
        <option value=""></option>

When population the option for the select field, How can I check if the id is in the defect_type_id JSON and set the option to selected.

via Chebli Mohamed

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