mercredi 2 mars 2016

How to call other controller within the blade in Laravel with some Ajax?

i'm new to laravel 5.1. I had a question that how to call another controller within a blade?

here's the blade,


<body onLoad="init();">
  <b>Course Code: </b>&nbsp;<select name="manufacturer" id="manufacturer" onChange="resetValues();doAjax('type_list.php', 'man='+getValue('manufacturer'), 'populateType', 'post', '1')">
    <option value="">Please select:</option></select>&nbsp;
  <b>Classification: </b>&nbsp;<select name="printertype" id="printertype" disabled="disabled" onChange="doAjax('model_list.php', 'man='+getValue('manufacturer')+'&typ='+getValue('printertype'), 'populateModel', 'post', '1')">
    <option value="">Please select:</option></select>&nbsp;
  <b>Index: </b>&nbsp;<select name="printermodel" id="printermodel" disabled="disabled" onChange="showOutput();">
    <option value="">Please select:</option></select>

  <div id="loading" style="display: none;"></div>
  <div id="output"></div>

It's the cascading dropdown list, and i want to use Ajax to fetch data from database.

function init() {
    doAjax('man_list.php', '', 'populateComp', 'post', '1');

And the doAjax function

function doAjax(url, query, callback, reqtype, getxml) {

  var emptyselect = query.indexOf('Please select');
  if(emptyselect >= 0) {

  var myreq = createREQ(); 
  myreq.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if(myreq.readyState == 4) {

                  if(myreq.status == 200) {

              var item = myreq.responseText;
              if(getxml == 1) {
                  item = myreq.responseXML;

              doCallback(callback, item);
  if(reqtype == 'post') {
      requestPOST(url, query, myreq);
  else {
      requestGET(url, query, myreq);

This might call the other php to execute it. It works in PHP-only. But in laravel, it response that man_list.php not found, how can i solve it? Does it need other controller ??

And one problem, i'm not familiar with laravel(MVC structure), how can i transform the man_list.php into Laravel-like format?



header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n";
echo "<companies>\n";
$select = "SELECT * FROM course";
try {
  foreach($dbh->query($select) as $row) {
      echo "<Company>\n\t<id>".$row['course_id']."</id>\n\t<name>".$row['course_name']."</name>\n</Company>\n";
catch(PDOException $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage();
echo "</companies>";

And it's the controller, i stuck into in a whole day.. no idea what should be added in

public function index()
    return view('marks-management');

Thanks for the great help!!

via Chebli Mohamed

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