dimanche 23 juin 2019

Laravel ViewServiceProvide does not takes multiple views

My Laravel version is 5.8.23

According to the documentation on Laravel View Composer, in order to attach a view composer to multiple views at once, pass the views in an array inside the first argument like:

View::composer(['profile', 'dashboard'],

When I try to use similar like that, my second value in the array does not get the values I passed in the AnimalComposer.php

My code:

View::composer(['animal.edit', ' animal.create'],

I get errorException in animal/create.blade.php

Undefined variable: animalType

But if I use multiple View::composer to send the data to the blade.php, it is working fine.

public function boot()

Am I missing something? Do I need to use View::composer every time I send AnimalComposer to the view? Does Laravel now do not support multiple views inside array?

via Chebli Mohamed

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