lundi 16 septembre 2019

Encoding format (tmp) is not supported for image resize laravel

i want to resize uploaded image and store in folder.then show in web. i used enctype="multipart/form-data" on form in blade.php. file successfully show in web without resize. when try to resize image i got error


public function dili(Request $request)
    $di = new diligent;

    $di->jobtype = $request->jobtype;
    $di->jobC = $request->jobC;
    $di->details = $request->details;

    $image = $request->file('image');
    $path = $image->getClientOriginalName();
    $destinationPath = public_path('img');

    Image::make($image)->resize(300, 100)->save($image);
    $a = $image->move($destinationPath, $path);

    $di->image = $path;
    $de = diligent::all();

    return view('admin')->with('dw', $de);

Error Message

Encoding format (tmp) is not supported.

via Chebli Mohamed

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