lundi 16 septembre 2019

Using sub query search with left table title condition

++++ PieModel code ++++++++++


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class PieVideo extends Model
    protected $table="sc_pie_video";
    public $timestamps =true;

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = [
        'video_title', 'comment_note', 'video_file_path', 'pie_audio_id', 'pie_channel_id', 'is_publish', 'access_scope', 'created_by', 'updated_by', 'is_deleted', 'deleted_at', 'status', 'video_description', 'public_available', 'searchable'

    public function channelName(){
         return $this->hasOne('App\Models\PieChannel', 'id', 'pie_channel_id');

    public function pieCreatedBy(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\Models\User', 'id', 'created_by');

    public function pieTags(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\PieVideoTags', 'video_id', 'id');


+++++ Controller code for the query result with search keyword +++++

                $order=isset($request->jtSorting)?$request->jtSorting:'id ASC';
                $orderBy = explode(" ", $order);  
                 $userQuery = PieVideo::with('channelName','pieTags','pieCreatedBy');
                   if(isset($request->status) && $request->status!=''){
                                   $userQuery->where(function ($query) use($request){
                    } else {
                           $userQuery->where(function ($query){
                   if(isset($request->keyword) && $request->keyword!=''){
                     $userQuery->where(function ($query) use($request){
                          $query->orWhere( 'video_title', 'LIKE', '%'. $request->keyword .'%')
                              ->orWhere('id', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->keyword . '%');
                  $usersCountArray = $userQuery->get();
                  $users = $userQuery->offset($offset)->limit($limit)->orderBy($orderBy[0], $orderBy[1])->get()->toArray();
                  $UserCount = $usersCountArray->count(); 

If I want to search result with the name of users or channel title then it won't be applicable on that code. I have 4 tables Video table is a master table which data we are showing by the J table on frontend but few data has a relation which we have defined the function in video model code is attached in the 2. Provide background including what you've already tried

via Chebli Mohamed

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