dimanche 15 septembre 2019

How to implement eloquent where has relationship with specific condition?

i have a case where i need to filter results by condition in 1-n relationship

so i have this 1-n relationship in User.php

public function permits()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Permit');

result i want to retrieve is users where all permits are expired (expiry on permits table = 0)

my current query is like this, this pulled several hundred wrong data because i didn't understand yet how to implement where all permits expiry = 0

$users = User::where('club_id',$this->id)->whereHas('permits',function($q){

current solution which is bad solution (longer time to execute), just so you guys clearer with what i want to achieve

foreach($users as $key => $user){
        foreach($user->permits as $permit){
            if($permit->expiry > 0){
                $users->forget($key); // unset from the users collection

any help would appreciated thank you!

via Chebli Mohamed

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